Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bamboo Poles Painting

I have a shrub of bamboos at a corner of my garden. New shoots appear after each rain, and they grow really fast.

The bamboo poles are rather slender, making painting not very easy. I used acrylic paint to paint on the pole, and it was not easy for the paint to stick on it. It took time for the paint to dry before a layer of different colour could be applied. Even though we had very hot sun, drying could take more than a day.

I got my inspiration from Australia aboriginal art. I was so glad that my son spotted this as soon as he saw the poles.

The yellow pole has a lizard painted on it, the red pole has two turtles, and the blue pole has a snake. These animals are easily found in Malaysia.

 I also put in pebbles to prevent the vase from toppling over. The pebbles were painted black with white 'ribbons' around them.

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