Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A fan-like palm frond

There is a palm tree across the road outside my house, and it has beautiful fan-like fluted leaves which are big, about 2 feet across. I used it as a background.

An easel

I made an easel using a few pieces of old wood found at home. I dug out a very old blackboard used by my children when they were small. My second son drew a picture of the three siblings when they were all less than 10 years old. They have all left home. I miss them every day.

Little mat for my little cushions

I picked up a large palm frond from the roadside.

I cut out the leaflets, washed then ironed them flat. When I ironed them, it gave a fragrant palm smell, a the surface became glossy because of the palm oil that permeated out.

 I weaved the leaftlets into a mat. I used white glue to glue the edges.

The final product.