Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Spray Painting

When I was shopping last week,  I saw a metal painting which was priced at a hundred ringgits. I went home and dug out a few metal sheets that I saved from old CPU casings, bought a few cans of spray paints and tried my hand at spray painting.

It wasn't easy because I had to control the distance of spray, and the pressure applied to the nozzle. But it was less messy than actually painting with acrylic paint. The results were definitely not professional. But I thoroughly enjoyed the process.

Hard at work.  :-)

Does it look like a pumpkin to you?

Lacy table mat.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sun Shield

I wanted to hang at plant at a position such that it could shield the afternoon glare from the sun. I bought a fake fern, as it is light. Added some banyan aerial roots, which are real.


I bought a white metal food cover, turned it upside down into a planter. It cost only RM7. Of course, I needed to add some chains in order to hang it.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Metal Chairs Painting

I have some paint left after painting the bamboo poles, and this was what I did with it.
Two old metal chairs, rusty at some parts, are now given a new look.