Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hanging Chair for Halloween

 I bought this beautiful pumpkin lantern when I was in Dallas, a few weeks before the Halloween. When I brought it back to Ipoh, I didn't really know how to blend it with my existing decorations.



Then my sister sent me photos of her Halloween decorations and they gave me an idea.

Taken at my sister's garden.

I made this doll from some old rags.

A hanging seat for a doll.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Roselle 玫瑰茄

Some years ago, when my children were still small, roselle drink and preserved roselle could be found in supermarkets. The drink tasted like Ribenna, but with attractive red colour.

Over 50 roselle calyxes were sold by an old lady at only RM3. I wish she would ask for more! It was the first time I found them in a market.

Remove the calyx to expose the seed pod inside.

The seeds are tiny, black and heart-shaped.

The calyxes are simmered in boiling water for about 10 minutes. The drink is sour. Add honey or sugar to taste. It is refreshing to drink it on ice in the hot afternoon.

I used the seeds to grow new plants.

This was what I get after about 5 days, and after about 2 months,

After flowering, fruits appear and they come in abundance. Time to make roselle drink again!